Le parole della grafica. Manuali, cataloghi, inventari25 ottobre 2023Convegno internazionale dedicato allo studio, catalogazione ed inventariazione delle opere di...
XXIX Congresso AIP - Sezione Sperimentale18 settembre 2023Il XXIX Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia – Sezione Sperimentale si tiene alla...
Workshop finale progetto PRIN 2017 "It-Matters" 11 luglio 2023We are glad to inform you that on July 11-12, 2023 , the IMT School will host the final workshop...
Workshop PRO3 "Borghi, paesi, aree interne: infrastrutture, connettività, qualità della vita"6 luglio 2023We are pleased to inform you that on July 6, 2023 , the IMT School will host the Workshop PRO3 "...
The Role of Experts in Democratic Societies. In Honor of Paul Feyerabend.16 giugno 2023The IMT School is pleased to host an international conference dedicated to the philosopher of...
DisCoTec 2022 - 17th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques13 giugno 2022DisCoTec 2022 is one of the major events sponsored by the International Federation for Information...
Learning, Evolution and Games Conference (LEG2021)1 settembre 2021The conference on Learning, Evolution and Games (LEG2021) takes place on September 1 and 2, 2021...
1ST INTERIM PROCOPE WORKSHOP28 settembre 2020PRO.CO.P.E. (Prosociality, Cognition, Peer Effects) is a multidisciplinary research project funded...
Making the Impossible Possible. On the Methodology for Editing Works with Massive Manuscript Tradition28 giugno 2018The workshop is organized in collaboration with Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa. The IMT School will...