IRIS – Institutional Research Information System, is the archive where it is possible to enter bibliographic data and annexes for publications produced by the scientific community of the IMT School. It contains all articles, books, contributions to publications or conferences and other types of material published by professors, researchers, PhD students and administrative staff of the IMT school.
IRIS is the single point of collection, validation and distribution (LoginMiur teaching staff website and institutional personal pages) of IMT’s research data. It is also used to analyze and evaluate the research conducted.
As of November 2017, with the enactment of the Policy for Open Access to the IMT School's scholarly literature, faculty and researchers must deposit bibliographic metadata of their publications and publish at least one open-access version.
To insert or modify their own publications, authors must authenticate using their personal credentials (SIIMT).
To access IRIS from outside campus, you need first to follow the instructions on this page.
Guides and documents:
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique code that identifies researchers internationally. It is a globally widespread, interdisciplinary identifier. ORCID is managed by an international non-profit organization that aims to create and maintain a registry of unique identifiers and link them to each researcher's publications and research activities.
Through the IRIS interface, it is possible to:
- create your own ORCID;
- associate an existing one with your IRIS profile;
- manage automatic data feed operations between the two systems.
LoginMIUR (Teacher Site)
LoginMIUR is the single point of access to the Ministry of University and Research services for teachers and researchers, staff of Public Research Institutions and all those who, in various capacities, carry out scientific research in Italy. It is also the database used for national evaluation campaigns, faculty qualification procedures, selection of ASN committees, and support for funding applications.
Publication data entered in IRIS are transmitted automatically and daily to the LoginMIUR database.